Saturday, March 6, 2010

15 Oxford University students start up 'factory farming' of female flesh for sex, unfortunately for them they target uni staff daughters

Dear All

It seems that Oxford University cannot escape the stench of scandal and sleaze.

If it isn’t Parmir Gill pulling the wool over the university’s eyes, the diary of an Oxford ‘tart’ or now the notorious drinking society called the Penguin Club, you wouldn't think they did studying there, eating bread and water and trying to be thoughtful on weighty matters.

The Penguin club however really takes the biscuit; sorry had to get that one in.

The club is at the centre of a sex scandal after drawing up a 'hit list' of girls to target for sex, after taking them to bars offering cheap cocktails.

What no cheeseburgers?

This tale of ‘legless at Hertford’ is standard student behaviour but in this case there wasn’t true romance on the table.

The general jist of the scheme was the Penguins were looking for sex with fellow female students at prestigious Hertford College and made no secret of it.

One could argue that from their point of view, this was more an exercise in time management rather than the typical ‘do you come here often’ approach.

What seems to have upset the University is that in their trawling for sex, the daughters of university staff at £9,345-a-year Oxford High School for Girls were on the hit list.

I suspect the University staff’s complaint is not the sex aspect but rather the illegal drinking of their daughters in bars.

A mother of one of the girls said;

'Many people at the school aged 17 and 18 got invitations from the club.'

Another aspect to the complaint maybe the revelations about crude email exchanges said to be between 'penguins'.

Some bright spark stuck them up on posters splashed around the college last weekend.

In the email exchanges, which relate to female college students, students discussed a 'hit list' of attractive girls dubbed ' fitties' for nights out and sex.

One email written next to the name of an 18-year-old fresher said;

“Only if we're desperate.”

So, it seems the disciplinary committee will be having a very busy time in the near future as the university temporarily suspended 15 members of the Penguin Club.

I wonder if the students will check to see if the names of the committee match any of the ‘hit list’ of ‘fitties’!

For the club, a man called Ollie, said to be the 'emperor' penguin, said he did not wish to comment, adding only;

“I think an awful lot has been fabricated and misconstrued.”

I hope Ollie isn’t doing law.

To show such behaviour isn’t limited exclusively to Oxford University while at Glasgow University, I met several medics and others in my time that had a similarly mercenary approach.

So, let me relate 4 medics and Richard the 3rd.

One of the guys who used to go to the gym at Glasgow University was Richard the 3rd, named for the fact he had sex with three girls in the one flat.

Not all at the same time I may add, he just worked his way along.

A happy camper medic guy was ‘the doc’ his personal philosophy was simply having sex with as many women as possible for ‘practice’ till you find the one you want.

Another male medic had a simple phrase he used to repeat often to us mere morals,

‘if they don’t blow they have got to go’!

A female friend also a medic told me that she would only go out with a guy for a week before he was chucked.

She once blurted out while I was sitting in the swimming pool gallery, ‘I want to have your babies’ while her and her pal bobbed up and down in the pool.

I shouted back;

“I’m your coach”!

The word ‘sorry’ rapidly followed; you have to put the natives in their place on occasion.

The final one was a female dental student who also liked to sleep around, she wasn’t a happy bunny but she kept it going.

So Oxford University isn’t unique within the education system, just unlucky that a group of students were 'factory farming' the female flesh on an industrial scale.

The old joke used by former Tory MP Jeffrey Archer was 'I have been to Oxford', you could add in these modern times, 'did you hump any of the staff's family?'

In my third year......

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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