Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Labour controlled Quango City Building run by Labour Party members funnels over £50,000 to Labour Party funds

Dear All

It seems that the labour control quango City Building has decided to pull out of this weekend’s Labour Party Spring Conference and lie low as pressure mounts for an investigation into how many Labour Party members has obtained senior jobs at the NGO.

City Building is run by Willie Docherty, the husband of Sadie Docherty, a Glasgow Labour Councillor.

The spin off company had a stall at last weekend’s SNP conference in Aviemore, but when George Black decided to call time on ALEOs spending money at political events, the firm packed up and left.

It seems to me that this is a co-ordinated attempt to try and kill the independent investigation that must surely come into Glasgow City Council and their ALEO’s.

City Building in booking a stall at Labour Conference has effectively shovelled an extra £9,000 to the Labour Party.

This means so far with other money added in that the organisation has paid over £50,000 to the Labour Party funds.

A City Building spokesman said;

“Given the Glasgow City Council advice that ALEOs should no longer attend party political events we have decided not to attend this week’s Labour Party conference.”

In attempting to impose a blanket ban and widening it, George Black is attempting to muddy the water by involving all political parties including the SNP into this sordid Labour mess.

A point of note, City Building paid the SNP, £1,800 for a stall at their two day Aviemore conference and £9,000 to the Labour Party.

An SNP source said;

“While we understand the figures aren’t confirmed there’s a massive gulf between this and what we received.”

If you want to funnel money from a Labour Party controlled NGO like City Building to the Labour Party then you throw scraps to other parties as cover.

It seems that there is no alternative but for a full and wide ranging investigation into how and why Labour quangos have funded the Labour Party by their political donations.

The money must be returned by the Labour Party, it is taxpayers’ money.

George Black of Glasgow City Council has said that City Building didn’t realise what it was doing funding the Labour Party.

Who would think that this tenable given that the head of City Building is a Labour Party member and married to a Glasgow Labour Councillor, on top of that their business development manager is the ex General Sec of the Labour Party in Scotland, Lesley Quinn?

All the money must be returned by the Labour Party.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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