Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tory MP George Osborne's doctor brother 'supplied prescription drugs to cocaine addict prostitute'

Dear All

One of the things you should take for granted is trust in the medical profession but sadly those days like the buffalo are a thing of the past.

It is like anything, pot luck.

Dr Adam Osborne is in a spot of serious bother, he is the younger brother of Shadow Chancellor George Osborne.

Osborne the younger’s problem is allegedly supplying prescription drugs to a prostitute friend addicted to cocaine.

That’s professional misconduct and it gets worse as it is also alleged that Osborne tried to use a false name to get the drugs.

At present, he is up in front of GMC fitness to practise panel, they can effectively kill his career and he has already blotted his copy book in 2008 when he got struck off then reinstated.

So the tally of what he should be facing in my opinion;

1/ prescribing drugs in breach of GMC regulations

2/ using a false name on a prescription

3/ Failing to record

4/ not informing their GPs

5/ attempted deception of staff

It seems that Osborne thinks he is a law unto himself, although he admits all charges against him, he maintains that his current fitness to practise isn’t impaired.

Clearly Osborne is in need of a rocket up his arse.

Should he be kicked out?

No, but he should be informed that if he ever tries to pull a stroke like this again his arse will be bulleted so fast that it will make his head swim.

Clearly, restrictions on him prescribing drugs should be put in place and a severe reprimand on his medical record is clearly warranted.

I would also think a six month suspension to give him time to reflect on his conduct is needed.

His judgement is clearly warped.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. the Osbornes certainly like the prostitutes

  2. Dear Mxyzptlk

    You don't seem to be a tory supporter tonight?

    Are they losing their shine and appeal to you.


    Seems Labour Party have a history too.

    First woman in the Labour Party to hold down an 'honest' job?

    I had a friend at university who was a stripper (woman).

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Hard up Labour person trys to survive

    conservative pays for sex

    snp supporter waits in the dark ready to mug Labour person and steal their cash.
