Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Smug Gerald Patrick McCann tells reporter, 'ask the dogs, Sandra', dog replies dead body buried under sand here!

Dear All

Do you remember the smug replies by Gerald Patrick and Kate McCann when asked by reporter Sandra Felgueiras to explain the findings of the forensic dogs, Eddie and Keela?


“But this is the first time that you give us a big interview not being arguidos, not being arguidos. Since then. erm. So now I feel free to ask you this directly. How can you explain the coincidence of the scent of cadaver found by british and not portuguese dogs?”


“Sandra, maybe you should ask the judiciary because they have examined all evidence. I mean we are also Madeleine's mum and dad and we are desperate for people to help us find Madeleine which is why we are here today. The majority of people are inherently good and I believe the majority of people in Portugal are inherently good people and I am asking them if they will help us spread this message to that person or people.”

Sandra;“So you don't have an explanation for that?”


“Ask the dogs (smirk) Sandra.”


“Ask the dogs? No Gerry. Now I feel free to ask you, don't you feel free to answer me?”


“I can tell you that we have also looked at evidence about (haha) cadaver dogs and they are incredibly unreliable.”Sandra;“Unreliable?”


“Cadaver dogs, yes. That's what the evidence shows, if they are tested scientifically.”

So, the last laugh is on Eddie, a little dog who found the body of Bob Rose buried in sand dunes in Orkney.

I wonder when Gerry Patrick McCann finds out will he still be smirking?

He said, ‘ask the dogs, Sandra’, they have replied.

Eddie replied,

‘is this corpse I discovered buried under sand good enough for you Gerald’?

Eddie is the dog who alerted the world to the scent of death in apartment 5A of the Mccann’s holiday home in Praia da Luz.

It seems that Eddie is a more credible source than highly educated Glasgow University medically trained Gerald Patrick McCann.

And as far as I am aware Eddie the dog has never once lied during the search of Madeleine McCann.

The Portuguese Police should reopen the Madeleine McCann case and treat the case as a murder inquiry.

The track record of Eddie and Keela warrants such a conclusion.

Gerald Patrick and Kate McCann should be arrested under an EU warrant and transported back to Portugal to answer questions they previously refused to answer.

‘Ask the dogs, Sandra’, no, we’re asking you McCann!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Gerry didn't give references for the results of scientific study, did he, when he talked about being studied scientifically. Someone should ask him for links to published papers for this scientific testing.

  2. No he never said , who advised Him it was ok
    to leave Babies home alone did he ?
    All Just smoke and mirrors .

  3. Unfinished Business: The Dogs Revisited.

    Sandra Felgueiras: Perhaps you can tell us why

    The question in question is depicted in the graphic.
