Saturday, February 6, 2010

Remember Bashir Ahmad, a geniunely nice and thoughtful individual

Dear All

Today marks the 1st anniversary of the death of Bashir Ahmad, MSP for Glasgow.

I first met him in 2008, when I was wandering about looking lost in a car park, he saw and came over with a big smile on his face and struck up a conversation, never having met me before.

After he introduced himself, we spent a good while chatting before he had to go away and it made an impression on me.

Over the next three weeks we occasional bumped into each other and he would take the time to ask me how I was doing.

He was the kind of person that people hope their politicians will be, friendly, thoughtful and interested.

He walked about seemingly without care in the world although he wasn’t in the best of health but you would never know it.

In the Parliament, he was well liked across the political spectrum which goes to show the nature of the man.

A genuinely nice person, a people person.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. I never had the privilege of meeting him George, but I've never heard a bad word said about the man from anyone of any political persuasion, ever. If someone is in politics and you can say that about them, then surely they are setting an example that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to follow.
