Monday, February 8, 2010

Police Commander, Ali Dizaei found guilty of misconduct in public office and perverting the course of justice, 4 years in prison, judged

Dear All

One of the Metropolitan Police’s most high profile Officers, Commander Ali Dizaei has been convicted of misconduct in a public office and perverting the course of justice.

Dizaei was found guilty at Southwark Crown Court in London and sentenced to 4 years imprisonment.

A jury of his peers took 3 hours to find him guilty of trying to frame Iraqi web designer Waad al-Baghdadi by making false statements.

The dispute between Dizaei and al-Baghdadi centred on an outstanding payment for a website the latter had built for Dizaei.

The bill was £600.

Al-Baghdadi approached Dizaei and argued over payment, there then followed a scuffle in a nearby sidestreet where al-Baghdadi was roughly arrested and handcuffed.

When Officers arrived, he handed them the metal mouthpiece of a shisha pipe, held on Mr al-Baghdadi's key ring, and claimed he had been stabbed with it.

That was a false statement as a doctor at Hammersmith police station concluded that two red marks on the officer's torso were probably self-inflicted.

The marks did not match the pipe and a chain of events unfolded that then lead to the arrest and charge of Dizaei and prosecution.

Dizaei will now be sacked for gross misconduct.

As well as the 4 year sentence he faces losing all or part of his pension under further measures aimed at punishing corrupt officers.

For Ali Dizaei who had a chequered career notable for being in the public eye for all the wrong reasons, justice finally caught up with him.

He was responsible for his own misfortune.

Yours sincerely

George LairdThe Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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