Monday, February 8, 2010

On basis that there is always one more thing to be done, do a good deed and help Precious and Florence Mhango, they need help

Dear All

It’s that time of the year again, good deed time.

One of the cases taken up by the Anne McLaughlin, SNP MSP is the case of Precious Mhango and her mum Florence.

Precious and her mum are asylum seekers who stay in the Cranhill area of Glasgow.

I posted on them before xmas, urging people to contact the Home Office to release them and return them to Glasgow.

The Home Secretary Alan Johnson to his credit released both Precious and her mum from the Yarls detention centre where they were being held subject to deportation to Malawi.

They arrived back home in time for xmas, home being Glasgow.

However there is one more thing to be done with the case of Precious and Florence Mhango by us all on their behalf.

That is to get them leave to indefinite leave remain in the UK.

We hear a lot of talk from politicians about community, help your neighbour and do good deeds, here is an opportunity for you to do a good deed.

You will receive no financial benefit, no recognition and no one will probably ever know of your contribution.

But you will have the satisfaction that you did what you could to help make someone’s life better.

Precious and her mum are a part of the community of Cranhill in Glasgow; politicians say they want to hear the views of the people.

The view in Cranhill in Glasgow is that Precious and her mum should stay.

Alan Johnson has done the right thing; help him understand that doing the right thing again brings its own reward.

If you have a spare minute, take the time to put pen to paper and ask your family and friends to do likewise.

Ask the Home Secretary to grant them leave to remain, his address is:

Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP
Home Secretary
Home Office
Direct Communications Unit2
Marsham StreetLondon

You only get so many chances to help someone; it would be a shame to pass up this chance to help.

The decision on their case is happening very soon, so please send off your letter so he gets it this Wednesday.

These are good people.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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