Thursday, February 25, 2010

George Laird accurately predicts that George Osborne's brother Adam would be suspended for six months, it's a gift

Dear All

Here is a quote of mine from a recent post before the suspension of Dr. Adam Osborne written on Tuesday 16th February 2010;

“I would also think a six month suspension to give him time to reflect on his conduct is needed”.

The General Medical Council (GMC) has now returned a verdict on suspension.

It is six months.

Britain is a corrupt country, so how did I exactly predict that

1/ Adam Osborne won’t be struck of the medical register

2/ Adam Osborne would be suspended

3/ Adam Osborne would receive a six month suspension

It was fairly easy, Britain is interwoven with multi layered social networks, some call it the “establishment”, others call it the “old boy network” but whatever name you call, it adds up to one thing.

The social and power elite don’t operate to the same standards, they expect the ordinary citizen.

Adam Osborne had to be punished but why if he is part of the “network” by association?

Quite simple, the story came into the public domain.

Dr Osborne's legal representative, Christina Lambert QC, said she was unsure whether an appeal would be made against the ruling by Osborne.

I think we can safely assume that Osborne isn’t going to appeal the verdict.

There is no upside for him and with the General Election soon to kick off the last thing Osborne needs is a renewed focus on his "inappropriate" behaviour.

Alyson Leslie, chair of the panel, told Dr Osborne;

"The seriousness of your conduct is such that a signal must be made to you and your profession."

She wasn’t speaking to Osborne rather the public, if it was as “serious” as she claims he would have been struck off.

The GMC in my opinion is characterised by the fact that their self regulation is just a mechanism to protect their own.

Nothing extraordinary happned.

After the hearing Osborne said he was "disappointed" by the GMC decision.

If this is an attempt to play for the sympathy vote then surely Osborne must be deluded?

I would suspect he is laughing his head off; he effectively ‘beat the rap’, yes, he pays a penalty but let us not forget.

It’s a very small one.

In corrupt Britain, it is not what you know but who you know.

Just ask Adam Osborne, the brother of Shadow Chancellor and Tory MP George Osborne.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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