Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ali Dizaei was a bully and a thug in the Police Force, now in prison, he is just a target to get excrement poured over him

Dear All

Former Met Police Commander Ali Dizaei was convicted and sentenced for trying to fit up a young man called Waad al-Baghdadi.

Dizaei is now currently serving a four-year jail sentence for assaulting and falsely arresting the young businessman.

As a former senior officer of the Met, he is finding that he isn’t popular in his new home.

A fellow prisoner at HMP Edmunds Hill has poured a bucket of excrement over Dizaei's head on Monday.

Dizaei was then punched in the face and knocked out.

I think we can safely assume the prisoner was of limited intelligence as it would make sense to have knocked him out first and then poured the bucket over him.

Dizaei is further in the shit as he faces being officially sacked within weeks after Scotland Yard disciplinary proceedings are complete.

He is appealing against his conviction, after all you need to have a hobby to occupy your time while inside.

I can’t see many people taking to the streets in a ‘Free the Edmunds Hill One’.

A Ministry of Justice spokeswoman said;

"A prisoner at HMP Edmunds Hill was assaulted. Staff intervened and he was moved to a place of safety."

I think for his own safety, he will have to remain in isolation for his entire sentence as he is obviously a marked man.

All this because Dizaei didn’t want to pay £600!

Shit happens.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Lets hope he doesn't get "radicalised" George.

  2. Dear Conan

    I am sure that Mr. Dizaei will be a model prisoner.

    The only radicalisation I expect him to be involved in is how to get money.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
