Saturday, November 14, 2009

Unfunny Russell Brand wants his £200,000 BBC radio job back.

Dear All

Comedy is subjective, what one person finds funny, another may not.

Two over paid unfunny middle class wankers, Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand got together during a radio show and left obscene messages on the telephone of actor Andrew Sachs.

Andrew Sachs is best remembered with affection for his role in the comedy series Fawlty Towers.

In his later years, he did a documentary on his return to his former home of Berlin, it was then I became more of a fan of the man.

Now Russell Brand probably to generate more publicity has said he found the scandal which followed the prank calls he made to actor Andrew Sachs last year "funny".

Trying to humiliate someone publicly is who has done you no harm is funny?

So what is Brand’s claim to fame that got him noticed?

Car crash television spin off show Big Brother’s Big Mouth, essential Brand and studio audience got together to cast comment on a bunch of retards stuck in a house as the inmates started to implode and scramble over each other for the chance to be famous.

As a show it was shite television.

After the scandal broke Brand tried to defend Jonathan Ross and take the blame; he resigned from his BBC radio show and the wanker Ross got a suspension from the BBC.

To show how he was sorry, Brand went on the tour and publicly used the incident to make cash.

The guy’s a prick.

Brand said;

"I apologise for the thing I did wrong to the person I did it to but the whole subsequent scandal was funny."

Now that Brand has a new DVD coming out, he wants free publicity and what better way than rehashing old news to show he is what is termed “edgy”.

The guy’s a prick.

As for Ross; he did his three month suspension and because the BBC had made him their ‘designated everyman’, he went back on air.

This must be the highest ever payout by the BBC for self inflicted personal abuse at £18 million quid.

It would be cheaper to get a camcorder and get a BBC employee to walk about in the streets and ask guys to jerk off for the camera for a nominal fee.

You could film this as a documentary as well, just pick a crowded bus stop and strike a conversation, then film the reactions.

Finally, the only joke, Russell Brand ever cracked is by accident, when he asked that the BBC give him back his radio show.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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