Monday, November 16, 2009

Ugly old Labour crone at Home Office wants to rip people off for £30

Dear All

It seems that the Labour Party is still pushing for people to be put on a national database.

Their latest crap suggestion is that Young people should take up identity cards as a "convenient" way of proving their age in nightclubs and bars.

Nightclubs and Bars primarily are concerned with one issue, do you have money to buy drink.

Meg Hillier, a Home Office minister said also the cards would also make it easier to prove identity at the post office when picking up parcels.

Is she simple minded or what?

When this crap was first rolled out, it was about terrorism, then benefit fraud then entitlement to work, then access to health services and so on and so on.

Everything you are entitled to now, you will be entitled to if ID Cards are forced on the population.

Mine will be straight into the bin at the issuing office in front of the staff.

Tory David Davis said;

"This is a far from robust defence of one of their most expensive follies."

How kind, I would say the rant of a cretin myself.

The Labour Government plan to make the first useless cards available in Greater Manchester later this month!

I expect that uptake will be low bordering on non existent Labour sycophants student careerists attempting to sell this ‘pig in a poke’ to the youth market.

£30 to be tagged the same as a criminal except the criminals get this for free!

The government argues it will help combat identity fraud, crime and terrorism.

Muslim jihadists today failed to carry out multiple bombings in city centres because members of the group left their ID Cards at homes!

A Government spokesman is expected to announce that this is proof a piece of plastic coasting £30 can really cut down on crime.


Ms Hillier speaking on the BBC Radio 4's programme said;

"They are £30, compared with a £77.50 passport, which is pretty good going for something which proves identity and allows travel in Europe."

Better to buy the passport then you can have the option of travelling the whole world.

She added;

"I've got one. It's very convenient."

Convenient for what exactly, what has she used it for?

Proving her age?

Proving she is an ugly old cow?

But the real reason is that the card with its chip and its unique number in turn links the card to a national identity register.

Hillier said;

"On a day-to-day basis, you could use it to do things like prove who you are at the post office when you pick up a parcel."

Try using the card put through your door by the post office that works fine and costs nothing.

Everyone including the Scottish National Party, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and civil rights campaigners say ID cards are a waste of money and will not improve national security.

Shadow immigration minister Damian Green said;

"I would advise anyone in Manchester not to bother wasting £30 on an identity card as a Conservative government would scrap this expensive, intrusive and unworkable scheme. The Government shouldn't hoodwink anyone in Manchester that there are benefits to this card."

And the Tories are forming the next UK Government.

Finally, when RIPA was going through Parliament, we were told that only nine organisations (including the police and security services) were allowed to invoke it, but as of 2008, it was 792 organisations (including 474 councils).

So given we were previously deceived by Labour on RIPA, how many organisations will be able to access the National identity database after it starts?

Do you need anymore reason to vote Labour out at the next election, they don’t believe in freedom, justice and liberty?

They want you tagged like an animal.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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