Monday, November 16, 2009

SNP Government win experts backing on min alcohol pricing

Dear All

When the Scottish Government planed to introduce minimum pricing for alcohol, the Labour Party opposed the measure.

That’s Labour in action folks.

Despite the fact that alcohol is damaging Scotland’s health the Labour Party kept firmly to its lack of principles.

Now the Scottish Government has won the argument by a a significant endorsement from the Faculty of Public Health in Scotland.

Dr Emilia Crighton said that there was an "overwhelming case" that cheap drink was damaging Scotland's health.

So why did Labour oppose it?

I would suggest that the Labour Party opposed it because their core business is keeping intact their gerrymandered ghettos which ring places like the city of Glasgow.

Michael Matheson SNP MSP said;

“As a leading public health expert Dr Crighton’s intervention is a significant endorsement, and the evidence now supporting the Scottish Government’s proposals is overwhelming”.Sooner or later the case that the SNP makes to the betterment of Scotland is universally picked up.

Michael Matheson added;

“Minimum pricing of alcohol has broad support base among medical experts, the police and the pub trade. Even the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in England, the UK Government’s expert advisory body on medical treatment, strongly backed minimum pricing as a way of reducing consumption among harmful and hazardous drinkers”.

At some stage the Labour Party will come on board and try copy this in exactly the same way they tried with hospital car parking charges.

But it is the SNP Government that is leading the way to make a better life for the people of Scotland.

And eventually when people look back at the Government’s record versus the previous Labour sham run by Jack McConnell, they will understand, what was done, why it was done and who it was done for.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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