Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Steven 'bin laden' Purcell and the Labour Council of shame

Dear All

Bad news in the Labour ruled Fiefdom of Glasgow.

Malnutrition in children is on the increase in the dear green place.

As Glasgow suffers under the burden of Labour incompetence, nationally and locally, kids suffer as well.

A pilot study found that one in ten children tested on admission to hospital had malnutrition as a result of poor diet or chronic illness.

Remember Labour’s crap about helping hard working families?

Sick joke; no pun intended.

After 12 years of Labour Government in Westminister, ten years of them in charge of Holyrood and over 100 years in Glasgow City Council, the voters still get treated with sneering contempt.

Recently in Glasgow North East, William Bain campaigned against Gordon Brown’s policies through-out his entire campaign, the first thing he did after election was to say that the Labour victory was an endorsement of Gordon Brown.

Bain treated voters with contempt; he saw them as mugs and used them as such.

This is the true endorsement of voting for the Labour Party.

At present Gordon Brown is bringing forward 15 bills in the Queen’s speech but there is shocking little help for Scotland.

After the General Election if Gordon Brown is still Prime Minister expect to see more than a 10% increase in malnutrition in children in Glasgow.

Brown will be bringing forward measures to punish, hurt and further destroy the social fabric in deprived areas of Glasgow.

But lucky for him; he has Steven Purcell and his Labour Council rabble to assist.

Purcell wants to put up Council taxes further impoverishing the people of this city; this will further reduce social mobility in the Labour gerrymandered ghettos that ring the city trapping people.

Is it not time that people of Glasgow faced up to the lie that is the Glasgow Labour Party?

When will the people of this city stand up for themselves for the sake of their kids?

When are they going to stop being treated like mugs?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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