Wednesday, November 18, 2009

£50 million Choo Choo train station bribe by Gordon Brown and the Labour Party.

Dear All

You know that there is a General Election in the offing when the Labour Government starts with the bribes to the electorate.

So what is the bribe?

Ten railway stations in England in mostly Labour seats are to be modernised.

Here is a list of the stations, 9 out of 10 are in Labour seats.

Manchester Victoria – Tony Lloyd LAB
Clapham Junction – Martin Linton LAB
Barking – Margaret Hodge LAB
Warrington Bank Quay – Helen Southworth LAB
Preston – Mark Hendrick LAB
Wigan North Western – Neil Turner LAB
Luton - Margaret Moran LAB
Liverpool Central – Louise Ellman LAB
Stockport – Ann Coffey LAB
Crewe – Edward Timpson CON

These stations will be done up to carefully craft a picture that the Labour Party is improving people’s lives. The money will be spent on improving facilities such as car parks and shops.

Transport Secretary Lord Adonis will tour of all 10 stations in the hope that the press take an interest and generate some good publicity.

It is a £50 million pound PR stunt using taxpayer’s money to hold 9 Labour seats and get 1 back currently held by Edward Timpson in Crewe.

I expect Timpson to hold Crewe.

It is funny that it was the government's railway "champions" Chris Green and Sir Peter Hall who identified 10 stations mostly in Labour seats that are in need of the most urgent work.

Know doubt Chris Green will be Sir Chris Green given his usefulness at the appropriate moment.

The “champions” argued that Scotland had avoided the problem of poor stations by organising funding more effectively over a number of decades.

So Scotland, yet again doesn’t get a penny off the London Labour controlled Government.

And the British Labour Party (Scotland) says nothing; the poor puppets only get to speak when given approval by their London Labour Masters.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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