Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Steven 'bin laden' Purcell busy destroying Glasgow lives and infrastructure

Dear All

Remember the slogan, ‘Labour’s not working’?

It was used by the Tories to highlight unemployment under the then Labour Government.

Now Labour controlled Glasgow City Council has taken up the Thatcher clarion call again in wanting to sack about 4,000 men and women over 50 years old.

The reason the Labour Council want to throw them on the scrapheap.

This means Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell is effectively discriminating against people based on age within the council.

All staff over 50 at Glasgow City Council is to be contacted and offered redundancy deals.

In the first Council trawl for volunteers to get the axe, letters will be sent to all 3500 employees aged 50-plus by the end of this month.This will outline the terms of the Council offer which will include pension entitlements and the severance deal.

If staff doesn’t accept this deal on the table by March 31st the terms will be reduced as Purcell and his Labour cronies turn nasty.

The GMB union who represent some of the workers has said the move will "decimate" the existing workforce.

Steven Purcell who allegedly has delusions of grandeur to be an MSP has given assurances, no compulsory redundancies this financial year.

Come April 1st 2010 that is a different matter.

In order to try and hide the fact they are destroying people’s lives, Purcell and his crew are trying to package this under the banner of Tomorrow's Council.

It might be tomorrow but it is run by yesterday’s men!

As destroying people’s lives and future, Purcell is selling off the family sliver, 10 sites owned and used by the council in the city centre will be sold off.

Martin Doran, of GMB, said;

"If they are going to decimate the workforce, they'll leave the council in tatters. They're taking a monumental gamble by releasing a reservoir of talent and expecting staff with an already low morale to re-train. If they don't achieve whatever targets they have in mind, we'll be in a very serious situation next April."

Isn’t time that the unions dropped the Labour donkey and started to publicly support the SNP Government who is actually trying to protect the people of Glasgow?

This is the real Labour Party in action, destroying lives, practicing discrimination and damaging infrastructure.

I wonder what the voters of Glasgow North East would think about the Glasgow Labour Party policy of throwing people on the scrapheap just because they turned 50?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Mr Laird,
    I agree with you on more matters than you may think.
    But your headline "Steven 'bin laden' Purcell busy destroying lives and infrastructure" disappoints me.
    The 'bin laden' joke was weak in the first place, and does not improve with repetition.
    Mr Purcell has done a lot for Glasgow.

    It gars me grue, but I am going to strike you off my list of blogs, if you can't stop being so one-sided, scatological, and sexually obsessed.

    Of course this is just one person's view.

  2. Dear Hamish

    The bin laden is a joke which I thought of when Purcell was arguing with the binmen.

    I can confirm that others find the bin laden joke funny.

    This unfortunately puts you in the minority.

    As to being sexually obsessed, I wouldn't say so.

    The Cartwright case was in the public domain because it involved a case under human rights law.

    My blog is about in part that issue.

    But lets get to the meat of the issue.

    "But your headline "Steven 'bin laden' Purcell busy destroying lives and infrastructure" disappoints me".

    4,000 people to be cast into the scrapheap by Purcell because they are over 50, also 20 Glasgow Schools to be destroyed by the very same Purcell.

    Not made up but fact from Purcell and his crew.

    I would suggest that represents fair comment.

    But feel free to come back and debate those two points and why these actions are acceptable.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

    ps I am a humble Glaswegian pottering about the place.
