Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain finally admits he doesn't live in Glasgow North East

Dear All

Talk about scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

Labour Candidate William Bain drags in MSP Richard Baker to help his stalled English run campaign.

Baker is so low down the food chain that it is embarrassing to try and trot him out as a celeb politician.

He is not an A or B or even a C list politician.

He is an F, which is appropriate as F stands for failure.

So, in the final 48 hours before the Super Thursday, Bain tries to get his fake knife campaign back on its feet.

It’s dead, morally bankrupt and lacks commonsense.

The SNP doesn’t have a soft touch on crime, rather it’s the opposite.

Baker joined Bain to try and create an impression that there was a great deal of support for Bain’s call for mandatory sentences for people caught carrying a knife on the street.

So, now we have another halfwit prepared to stand up and say they don’t believe in concept of innocent until proven guilty.

Baker profile was low before but imagine wanting to broadcast you are thick as well.

Richard Baker MSP said;

"Willie has been running a brilliant campaign on knife crime in his community”.

For that read only during this by-election!

Ask yourself, where was his concern before?

“He knows the SNP’s soft touch on crime is not what is wanted by the people of Glasgow. His, and our, message is simple - carry a knife and go to jail”.

The SNP message is straight forward; it is for an independent judge to decide on the appropriate sentence after a person is convicted.

William Bain said;

"No one should be afraid to walk the streets at night. It is time for zero tolerance on knife crime. If you carry a knife you should go to jail”.

That means fishermen, chefs, joiners etc etc.

Their crime, carrying the tools of their trade to and from their place of work!

Finally, do you remember the questions that were raised about where Bain lives?

Bain says;

"I've lived in Glasgow North East and I know the problems knives cause”.

He is speaking in the past tense, so finally an admission that he doesn’t stay there anymore.

Thanks William, opened your mouth once too often.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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