Sunday, November 8, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain gets support from Alex Ferguson who threw a boot into David Beckham's face.

Dear All

Some times, you get a bit carried away with yourself and start talking shite.

Enter Alex Ferguson who has declared his support for Willie Bain in the Glasgow North East by-election.

This is the same fool who was so far Tony Blair’s arse, if he spat it would have come out Blair’s mouth.

Well what you could say about Ferguson, he did well in football and cleared out of Glasgow in short order to better himself.

Check his wiki.

Ferguson has endorsed Bain but considering that Ferguson is a big Labour donor that is hardly surprising.

Willie Bain said;

"Sir Alex knows a thing or two about running a good campaign so I am delighted that he is backing us in the election”.

Having said that Bain knows plenty about running a bad campaign as his website is full of negative campaigning and lies.

Bain added;

"I know people here respect him. He's a tough manager and has first-class judgement."

First class judgement is that why he threw a boot into the face of David Beckham?

More like warped judgement to me, the boot was thrown with such force that it caused a gash on Beckham’s face.

Myself, born in Stobhill; I think little of Ferguson, ex-Manchester United boss Tommy Docherty called Ferguson a bully.

He said in an interview;
"Fergie being Fergie he went berserk. He is a law unto himself. He is a bully”.

Ferguson said;

“I’m backing Willie Bain and I urge people to vote Labour in this by-election. I’ve supported Labour all my life and think the country is a better place for it for the Party being in power”.

Alright for rich people in Wilmslow Cheshire like Ferguson, try selling that in Possil.

Ferguson then said;

“As the only genuinely local candidate in this election, Willie understands what needs to be done. Willie’s Action Plan for Glasgow focuses on people’s real concerns and priorities. His determination to crack down on crime and fight to improve chances for local people is spot on, and has my whole-hearted support”.

Bain is local in one of 17 areas in the Glasgow North East area.As to Bain’s action plan, it’s bogus all of it.

On law and order, he cannot do anything because it is devolved to Holyrood.

Ferguson finishes with;“Willie Bain won’t let you down”.

He already did that by not stepping up to the plate when Michael Martin refused to open a public office.

Getting pretty pathetic and desperate for Bain!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Jees, that's brilliant.

    Spot the monkey in a black coat and red rosette!

    Willie Bain, if the Scottish media had actually been doing their job we'd have known a hell of a lot more about him.

  2. Alex Ferguson threw the boot in David Beckham's face years ago! its amusing how you want to associate him with such a negative action,

    so the description cant include his numerous successes or well calculated signings? I personally do dislike him as well I just object to the use of such an old incident to describe him. Sir Alex will be a legend to many and an Old Aberdonian Scrooge to others.

    Cant we get back to discussing the by election properly! instead of useless natter on unimportant issues!

  3. So much for bullies never prosper! Instead they stand up for the party that forgot the working man.

    @ Wardog pmsl at the monkey with a rosette comment. I've also noticed the lack of detail on Willie Bain. How exactly does he work in London but yet live in Glasgow? Perhaps the Labour party now have transporter tech?

  4. LOL. he is clearly a link for labours catholic and rangers fans. nicely packaged so labour get a larger cross section of the vote

  5. Dear Salander

    Bain said that Alex Ferguson has first class judgement; his words not mine.

    “so the description cant include his numerous successes or well calculated signings?”

    I would respond that life is a game of football and Ferguson isn’t being used in a sporting sense but rather in a very narrow political cause.

    “I personally do dislike him as well I just object to the use of such an old incident to describe him. Sir Alex will be a legend to many and an Old Aberdonian Scrooge to others”.

    All I am doing is responding to Bain’s statement.

    “Cant we get back to discussing the by election properly! instead of useless natter on unimportant issues!”

    Where do you want to start, all the lies on Bain’s website?

    I would suggest that is important given Bain is standing for public office.

    Bain calls on man of violence, seems par for the course!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  6. Dear D'ziet

    People keep speaking to me allegeding that William Bain is on the voters roll in London.

    I would like to know if that is true then why did he state publicly he only lives in a hotel in London?

    This should be investigated by the media.

    His finanical records would clear this matter up.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  7. @ George

    I've heard that rumour too. I suspect if it were true the SNP would of found out by now. The parties have access to the voters roll I think.

    I agree the media are just not asking the questions. I really find it difficult to believe that Bain comes back to his Ma's every week. The cost alone would be prohibitive.

  8. Dear D'ziet

    I wouldn't believe a word Bain told me.

    I see him as unfit for public office.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  9. @ George

    I wouldn't vote for him either. I agree he's desparately untrustworthy. And I've been told that the "comman man" pitch only comes out when the camera's are on.

  10. Dear Meg

    "And I've been told that the "comman man" pitch only comes out when the camera's are on".

    I get the feeling that the Labour Party isn't going to do well in Glasgow North East.

    Word on the street, Michael Martin is hated, Paul Martin the son is intensely disliked and Bain can't connect with ordinary voters.

    The contrast between SNP and Labour.

    Do you want a £842 million hospital, 24/7 365 days a year or a ten minute ride on a choo choo train.

    People are saying hospital, people are saying SNP.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgfow University

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