Monday, November 9, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain wins support of man who helped cause the immigration crisis

Dear All

You know someone has run out of steam when they retreat to having to do continual photo ops that serve no purpose.

So, the latest deadbeat to join the flagging English run campaign is Home Secretary Alan Johnson.

Alan Johnson is famous for being average, not a leader, not a thinker and not a good Home Secretary.

Recently he had to blurt out that Labour’s failure on immigration lead to the BNP being successful.

That’s Labour in action!

So Johnson came to Glasgow North East and met with Community Wardens in Balornock.

This was probably to show that law and order is high on the Labour agenda, oh and that’s another crashing failure they were involved in. Home Secretary Alan Johnson said;
"It was great to be able to meet up with Labour’s excellent candidate Willie Bain today and join the dedicated community wardens of Glasgow out on the beat”.

Bain isn’t an excellent candidate; he has run a disgusting and nasty little campaign which will hopefully backfire on him at the ballot box.

Johnson added;

"Willie has been running a fantastic campaign and it is clear he has a lot of support on the doorsteps here”.

I doubt that.

“It was great to be able to lend my support to his campaign as the only candidate actually living in the constituency it is clear he understands the needs of Glasgow North East and would be the best voice for his community."

Bain's voice was firmly silent about the lack of representation by Michael Martin for years!

Labour candidate Willie Bain said;

"I told him that people were constantly telling me they were fed up of the SNP being soft on crime and felt betrayed over their broken promises on police numbers. The SNP have done nothing for people here they have ripped off Glasgow”.

Perhaps Bain missed the work of SNP Councillor Billy McAllister who took on the drug crime families in Milton who had taken over a community centre?

Labour Glasgow City Council where directly funding the Lyon’s crime family.

As for the English Labour “rip off campaign” run in Glasgow North East!

Ask yourself this easy question, what would you choose?

A £842 million pound hospital open 24/7 365 days a year serving 110,000 people through its A & E department or a ten minute ride on a choo choo train?

What would be better for you, your family and the people of Glasgow?

I reckon most people would side with the SNP Government and demand the hospital.

Bain talks about people being liars;

"And as the people of Scotland are now discovering to our cost they have broken their promises on police numbers”.

There are a 1,000 more Police.

“help for first-time buyers”.

This policy had to be revaluated.

“class sizes”.

The Labour Council is closing 20 Glasgow Schools after 96% of ordinary people voted against.

“writing off student debt”.

The SNP got the Scottish Graduate Endowment Bill passed, saving students money.

“and are restricting the free central-heating programme”.

The programme was revised to make it more accessible and widened.

Bain finishes;

"I want to send a message to the SNP that the people of Glasgow will not stand for it any longer."

What; Bain being a lying little weasel?

The voters will get their chance on the 12th of November to render a judgement on 74 years of Labour neglect.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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