Saturday, November 7, 2009

Gordon Brown and Margaret Thatcher drop by SNP rooms as things are so dreadful at Labour campaign rooms

Dear All

The SNP were treated to two special guests today.

Gordon Brown and Margaret Thatcher dropped in to wish the SNP Activists well as they battle to send Labour Candidate William Bain to London.

That would be London South Bank University, not Westminister.

An SNP source said;

“Gordon Brown is trying to get his own back on us for SNP Supporter Laura Vidler wandering into Bain’s campaign rooms and getting a photo op with Gordon Brown”.

The secret meeting of Gordon Brown and Laura Vidler was an amazing PR and security gaff which shows how disjointed the English run Bain campaign is.

So desperate are they, that they are willing to allow anyone off the street to have a photo with them to prove they are popular in the area.

But with an SNP Supporter come on!

During the SNP Supporter’s visit to the Labour campaign rooms, Laura was offered a picture with Bain who she wasn’t very impressed with.

As to why Gordon Brown brought Maggie to Angus Street, Springburn; an SNP activist said;

‘She was probably brought along to meet David Kerr because he is the only one standing with real ideas and not Bain style gimmicks’.

‘Also, the free tea and coffee, sandwiches, biscuits, soup, cakes, crisps and filled rolls are delicious’.

SNP MSP Christina McKelvie out campaigning in the area on behalf of David Kerr reported that she saw William Bain out with two little helpers and she gave him a wave.

She also reported that Labour Candidate William Bain looked very unhappy, his big weekend and only two of an entourage.

Have all the Cornish students gone back to England?

Things look bad for Bain in the Labour Fiefdom.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Dear Wardog

    You have to feel sorry for Bain.

    No one likes him.

    Sarah Brown came up a few times but because the weather turned nasty, she opted for telephone canvassing.

    Not prepared to get wet for a wet.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
