Saturday, November 7, 2009

BNP illegally break the road traffic law in Glasgow North East.

Dear All

Previously I was commenting on the BNP lorry having crashed into a car in Angus Street, Springburn, as a titbit.

High drama; I cried from my world famous blog, to make the Glasgow North East by-election seem more exciting.

The BNP like to stroll about having been rebranded by Nick Griffin as Labouresque in nature, concerned citizen types. When you see them in the street, they are dressed like the Labour Party in the black suits, shirts and ties.

Changed days from the era of skinheads and the National front!

At present, they have achieved much by this rebranding process and swan about calling themselves a law and order party.

They want to bring back hanging for example for various offences but if they were really a law and order party, they would have opposed such measures in the interests of justice.

This tells us all that their law and order stance is a sham.

So, on to low drama in Springburn, look at this picture above of the lorry, just a parked vehicle you might say.

No, it is an illegal parked vehicle on the pavement.

Under section 129 (5) of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, it is illegal to drive your buggy on the pavement.

BNP, Party of law and order?

No, I don’t so.

You might think that having crashed previously they might have got the message that Angus Street, Springburn is not very lucky for them.

Then some people are naturally dense.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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