Thursday, November 26, 2009

SNP MP John Mason delivers a hat trick on Glasgow schools as Labour MSP Margaret Curran scores own goal

Dear All


Under Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Labour Council, 20 schools and nurseries have been voted by them to be closed and earmarked for destruction.

On top of that another 30 or so are being looked at by the Labour Council of shame for possible closure in future.

Purcell and his Labour cronies are systematically destroying the social fabric and infrastructure of this city.

On the schools closure to show much Labour Councillors are hypocrites, they won’t vote to close a school in their own area, just in neighbouring areas.

But good news is on the horizon as the SNP Government fighting for to rebuild Glasgow has announced the construction of a new-build Garrowhill Primary school.

This is part of the Scottish Government's £1.25 billion school building programme.

John Mason is the SNP MP for Glasgow East who lobbied the Scottish Government on behalf of the people of that area has warmly welcomed the news.

And it gets better for the people of the East end of Glasgow; Glendale Primary is also getting funded to be rebuilt.

And if it couldn’t get any better still, Glasgow gets to nominate a third primary school project.

While the Labour Council of shame asset strip the city, the SNP are rebuilding it, schools to provide children with a future.

Local MP, John Mason has previously written to the Scottish Government in support of the Garrowhill bid. His involvement and commitment to helping the people in his area on this issue goes back as far as 1998 when he was an SNP Councillor in Glasgow.

Unlike a Labour politician, John Mason doesn’t walk away from his commitments.

Once again as John Mason rightly points out, it is the SNP which has delivered for the East End and for Glasgow.

He said;

"Although this is a day for celebration, I am very aware of the fact that there are other schools in my area which also urgently require improvement. These include St Bridget's Primary School and Caledonia Primary in Baillieston, Thorntree Primary and St Timothy's Primary in Greenfield, as well as Wellshot Primary in Tollcross”.

So, John Mason’s campaign rather than being finished continues, stark contrast to Labour MSP Margaret Curran.

Before being nominated as the Labour Candidate for Glasgow East, she was tasked by Labour to produce policies to help ordinary people by Iain Gray. That commitment lasted four weeks before it was binned by her.

The contrast, John Mason fighting for 11 years to get improvements to people’s quality of life and Margaret Curran running out on even producing a document for the Labour Party after four weeks.

Who has the most integrity?

John Mason added;

"Keeping our school buildings in good condition is the responsibility of the Labour-led City Council, and it is a responsibility that they have been failing to meet for decades. The Scottish Government's school building fund is meant to provide additional support, but the Labour Council really needs to start pulling its weight on schools."

So I ask you, who is ripping of Glasgow?

It’s Labour, it’s Purcell, its Curran and they will keep doing so until they are voted out of public office.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Margaret Curran is a joke and not representative of the local people of Glasgow. She has a very cosy relationship with Joe Williamson of Wellhouse Housing Association, so much so that it is stiffling local people opportunities for local housing. Stripping Glasgow of the talented people who have been members of Glasgow for generations. She should be voted out asap or do the honourable thing by resigning at the earliest. Just remember her attitude towards the common people of Glasgow when they protested against her and her cronies at Queen St Station. She is personally motivated and hopefully todays result will show these Westminster lead muppets that Scotland is moving into a new era
