Thursday, November 26, 2009

The case for criminal charges against Tony Blair as a war criminal seem to be gathering pace!

Dear All

Despite the Chilcot farce rolling on to its pointless end, we have been treated to a few tit bits which make the case of Tony Blair being a war criminal stronger.

Tony Blair and George W. Bush made an agreement to oust Saddam Hussein in secret talks almost a year before the start of the war in Iraq.

Britain was going to war regardless of the evidence because Bush had already decided to do so.

This is what the “special relationship” actually means in reality, when America decides Britain follows.

Despite the smokescreen of the Foreign Office issuing statements, it has to match the US version.

Sir Christopher Meyer has been giving evidence to Chilcot criticising the Labour Government.

In 2002, Blair after meeting Bush in Texas started to openly talk about Saddam being too dangerous to be ignored and mentioning 'regime change' as an option.

This is a strategy used to soften up the British public to the idea; the technique is widely used in movies to imprint something in the minds of the public before an actual event takes place.

The U.S had a timetable for war which forced Britain to scramble for the non existent 'smoking gun' on Saddam to justify invasion.

Although Blair was pressing for UN resolutions, I believe this was a smokescreen because the Americans hadn’t the logistics in place to start operations. So it was to the benefit of the Americans to allow Blair to take centre stage and provide false hope to the world that he was trying to find a peaceful solution.

It was a con.

The U.S. military timetable for an invasion in March 2003 was already in place before Hans Blix and his team returned to Iraq to find the weapons of mass destruction which didn’t exist.

Colin Powell the US Secretary of State produced photos of moblie biological and chemical labs, another lie used to deceive the public into backing the war.

Everything done had one objective, the invasion of Iraq.

It was lie, after lie after lie.

Hundreds of thousands of innocent people are dead because of Tony Blair.

And he isn’t even on trial!

Yours sincerely

George Laird

The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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