Tuesday, October 13, 2009

William Bain and his English Minders walk deserted streets as people won't talk to them

Dear All

I have previously commented on the lies printed on the Labour Candidate William Bain’s website.

I have to do so again because Mr. William Bain is completely lacking in integrity.

For the record, the SNP have two offices in Angus Street, Springburn.

How unfortunate that Labour cannot do simple arithmetic.

Mr. Bain; 1 + 1 = 2!

William Bain has also made much about the SNP using Distribution Unlimited to deliver leaflets.

Does William Bain have a problem with the SNP helping the local economy financially in dire economic circumstances?

William Bain’s website is promoted in London.

William Bain’s website is hosted in London.

William Bain isn’t prepared to support local businesses in the community like David Kerr and the SNP.

Why does William Bain give money to English firms and not Scottish?

The Labour Party and William Bain keep lying that the SNP Campaign is troubled, it stands up on its own two feet unlike the Labour Candidate William Bain who still lives with his mummy at aged 36!

36 years old and still getting his elderly mother to do his washing and cook his meals.

Another fact which is irrefutable is that Labour activists have been brought up from England to help Bain with his campaign.

Are there no Scottish Labour activists willing to help him?

You can look at the photos on his website; the people are the same ones in more or less each photo.

As well as that the Labour Party are having to draft in parliamentary researchers of George Foukles and Frank MacAveety because local people won’t leaflet or canvass for them.

Labour lies are the hallmark of their Glasgow North East Campaign and it is a sign of how much the Labour Candidate William Bain lacks personal integrity that he allows this to continue.

Finally if proof was further needed that there is something strange about William Bain, it comes out of his own mouth about the SNP;

“they should at least be using Royal Mail. Scotland’s largest sorting office is in the constituency."

The Post Office is about to go on strike, Mr. Bain!

What does it say that William Bain is so socially unaware?

Why doesn’t he notice these things happening around him?

Maybe it is because if his mummy doesn’t mention it, it doesn’t exist and it explains why he needs so many English Minders when he goes out!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. It may be of interest to you but I live in London and just happened to visit Hammersmith & Fulham council offices to check their voters register and just happened to notice a William Bain (register voting number 1141z) on their list of voters.

  2. Dear Gedguy

    William Bain has publicly stated that he lives at a hotel while working in London during the week.

    I am sure however there will be some people who may follow this up.

    Thank you for your comment and for taking the time to pop by and post.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Interesting stuff.

    And look at the jackets with "Scottish" Labour.

    IMO using a false party name, especially how they have it displayed, to trick voters should really be outlawed.

    Their name is Labour, unlike say Scottish Green that is fully independent of any other entity.
