Wednesday, October 14, 2009

David Kerr throws his hat into the ring at Glasgow North East

Dear All

Wednesday 14th October 2009 could be remembered as a historic date in the history of Glasgow politics.

It is the day that David Kerr of the SNP officially threw his hat into the ring of the maelstrom that will be the Glasgow North East by-election.

Or as I prefer to call it, the War on the North Eastern front!

Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond attended the launch of David Kerr’s campaign and forecast a spectacular by-election battle in Glasgow North-East.

And it will be a battle as Labour and the SNP slug it out to win the hearts and minds of the voters.

The Labour Party has held the area for 74 years and have taken the people for granted but times and attitudes are changing.

At the launch of his party's campaign, Alex Salmond has stopped short of predicting an SNP victory but I am sure he is well aware this seat is winnable if the SNP tries hard.

Mr Salmond said the SNP enters this contest as underdogs.

He added;

"We are expecting a brammer of a by-election with a monster result for the people of Glasgow North East and the people of Scotland."

Brammer means a very good one; I didn’t know until I bumped into a guy called Alex who explained it to me in passing.

Last year's by-election in neighbouring Glasgow East produced what must be considered a historic result with John Mason defeating Margaret Curran.

The Labour vote in Glasgow East collapse as the expenses scandal exploded onto the political scene. David Marshall, the former Glasgow East MP was found to be paying his wife a ridiculous amount of money to run an office from his home.


It is up to David Kerr and the SNP to put forward a positive message to the voters about how they intend to reach out to the community and provide a pro active service that was so sadly lacking under the disgraced former MP Michael Martin.

David Kerr has a tremendous opportunity to do some good; hopefully the voters will look back on 74 years of Labour neglect and allow him to prove there is an alternative future which can be brighter.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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