Saturday, October 31, 2009

Some opposition MSP's at Holyrood really are beneath contempt.

Dear All

Do you know everything about everything?

I know I don’t.

It therefore beggar’s belief that the justice secretary should come under fire after admitting he had not read a report into Scotland's largest known paedophile network before it is finalised.

What I find distasteful is that opposition parties in order to gain publicity resort to these types of sick tactics of using child sex crimes to try and score cheap political points.

The reality is neither Scottish government officials nor the justice secretary have seen the final version of the joint report from Lothian and Borders Police, the City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian.

So a serious issue is hijacked by petty little people in every sense of the word.

Is it any wonder ordinary people hold politicians in contempt?

Find out the facts first then shout the odds if there is a case to be addressed.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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