Saturday, October 31, 2009

Parents of Lisa Norris call Health Professions Council (HPC) hearing in Edinburgh a whitewash.

Dear All

Have you ever noticed that we live in a corrupt country?

How does it work, ineffectual government coupled with NGO’s who self regulate.

Put both of those things together and you can literally get away with murder.

Lisa Norris was treated by Dr Stuart McNee at the Beatson Oncology Centre in Glasgow; while she was there she was given 19 radiation overdoses.

Dr Stuart McNee was professionally incompetent 19 times.

The family of the dead girl have spoke out branding the hearing into his conduct a whitewash.

Despite all the charges of misconduct being proven absolutely nothing is going to happen to McNee.

The best bit of this farce was said by Health Professions Council Chairman Colin Allies;

“We are confident the Registrant has learned from his mistakes and would act differently in similar circumstances today”.

Is Allies a mind reader?

But the sick comedy continues as Allies blames the system as being at fault;

“his biggest failing had been not speaking out over staffing pressures in his department”.

I would say that the system is operated by people; Lisa Norris may or may not have survived her brain tumour.

But Dr. Stuart McNee caused her a lot of pain by his incompetence and for that and the number of times this was committed, he should be struck off.

Luckily for him, the regulator is soft, could be useful for his next fuck up!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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