Sunday, October 25, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain issues a bogus contract to hoodwink voters in the Glasgow North East by-election

Dear All

William Bain has put up what he considers a contract.

It is not a contract because in order for it to be a contract it must be between designated parties.

Is this William Bain’s 'contract' with the entire world?

Do you see what I mean when I say this guy is a crackpot?

All this is a series of pledges but let us go through them.

Bain says he will;

1/ Live right here in the community.

Given he already stays with his parents, this isn’t a real pledge, he doesn’t even say he will buy his own home in the community never mind rent a place.

2/ Never claim on a mortgage for a second home.

But he is going to hit the taxpayer for his entire hotel bills.

3/ Never claim for food bills.

This shows how desperate he is to win; no one would begrudge someone working away from home their food money.

4/ Never claim for gardening.

Given he lives in a block of flats and doesn’t have a garden; he is showing utter contempt for the voters by implying this would be something he is giving up. If he put in a gardening claim it would be fraudulent.

Here is a thought, didn’t William Bain realise he stays in a block of flats with no garden?

5/ Publish any expense claims monthly.MP John Mason of the SNP has published his receipts online, so William Bain is forced to having to copy the SNP now, how embarrassing for him.

The next part of his ‘pledge’ sheet is what would be expected as a minimum from any decent MP under his ‘here for all of us’ section.

In the final part of his pledges he makes some odd statements.

He will hold regular public meetings, but no details, will it be every month, six months or a year?

For a contract drawn up by him, it has a lot of loopholes.

Also when did the public get the right to vet the contract?

If Bain is entering into a contract then both sides should have input?

Why did he exclude the public?

Don't they have rights in the drawing up of his contract with them?

He also says he will never be Westminister’s voice in Glasgow North East. That is correct, he will be the Labour Party’s voice in the constituency if elected.

He states he will be Glasgow North East voice in Westminster. If he wasn’t an MP, he would be allowed to speak in Westminister in the first place.

Finally, he says keep this contract in a safe place.

The ‘contract’ isn’t worth the paper it is written on; there are no penalty clauses if he breaks his word, so why keep it.

William Bain holds the people in Glasgow North East in contempt by trying to pass off this nonsense.

William Bain is unfit to hold public office, as I previously stated, every time this guy opens his mouth he digs himself a bigger hole.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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