Monday, October 26, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain forced to hide behind another man's wife to go door knocking

Dear All

Such was the unpopularity of Prime Minister Gordon Brown that the Labour Party had to use his wife Sarah to hide behind.

It was the act of a desperate man who was so disliked by the public, the House of Commons and even within his own party.

Labour Candidate William Bain has reached a tipping point of such unpopularity at Glasgow North East he has had to call on another man’s wife to act as a human shield.

Sarah Brown has been designated as the ‘human sandbag’ which William Bain has to hide behind when his English Minders need a rest.

Sarah Brown joined the campaign trail in Glasgow North East to act as a ‘buffer for a duffer’.

In the picture above she took the lead role as a nervous William Bain stood on the bottom steps ready for a quick getaway if questioned as to why he is now being forced to copy David Kerr and the SNP’s plans to help the people.

A clearly relieved Mrs Brown is seen walking down the steps head down as the Labour Party tiptoe around affluent areas while staying clear of such areas as Hamiltonhill and Possil.

The Labour Party selected Riddrie as the area to take Mrs Brown because they couldn’t guarantee what kind of reception she would receive in the more deprived parts of the community that the Labour controlled Council has abandoned.

Sarah Brown said;"I was delighted to visit Glasgow North East and meet Willie Bain”.

Considering this is a known staged Labour Party trick, we cannot read much into that statement.

“Willie took me round his campaign centre and introduced me to some of the local members”.

Considering that is a meeting point for the English Volunteers running the Bain campaign, I would have expected she would visit that location.

“Willie is definitely working hard for the area, after a quick coffee and chat he took me out knocking on doors and we had a great time talking to people in Riddrie."

If William Bain was working hard for the people of Glasgow North East, then why did he press the disgraced former Labour MP, Michael Martin to open a public office?

Why didn’t he speak out about 74 years of neglect?

Why was Sarah Brown kept away from the most deprived parts of the community?

Was it to paint a false picture for Sarah Brown rather than let her see the cold hard reality?
I wonder how many more campaigning days he will use female human shields to hide behind.

Bad show having to use another man’s wife but at least he gave her back after the photo op!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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