Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tories and SNP need to tackle Labour's Fifth Column, the Quangos

Dear All

One of themes that I have continually highlighted is that Britain is a corrupt country.

This theme which I have highlighted for years is now getting exposed; people know there is something majorly wrong but have been unwilling to speak out about it until now.

The quango system acts like a government within a government. This has allowed the Labour Party to effectively put cronies; pals of pals, family, placemen and political stooges on the boards of Britain’s quangos.

In Scotland, this is the task which the SNP Government must address; the Tories have exactly the same problem in England, root these people out.

If you look at who gets on to quango boards it is apparent that there is a glass ceiling that prevents the working class from ever getting considered.

In a previous email to the Tessa Jowell, a reply was returned that no information was kept about ordinary working class numbers on these boards.

What is characterised by the people serving on these boards is their history, they move from one highly paid job to another seamlessly.

I call it corruption, others know it better by the term 'old boys network'.

Ex Civil Servant, Sir Muir Russell becomes Principal of the University of Glasgow. He has;

No experience of working in a charity.

No experience of working in a university.

No teaching experience.

No research experience.

He is however a member of a private invitation only club called the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

The person who vets him as the external examiner is the President of his private club, Lord Sutherland of Houndwood.

The Royal Society of Edinburgh members have a strangle hold on most of the top jobs in higher education.

Russell is now leaving the University of Glasgow to head the Judicial Appointments Board of Scotland, who appoints judges. His appointment started in October 2008 and runs for 3 years.

How is a man who covered up institutional bullying, discrimination, harassment, malpractice and criminal fraud in a publicly funded charity suitable to be the lay Chairman? The letter sent to him and the Vice Principals of the University of Glasgow can be found here.

The quango system is characterised by a who’s who of the Blair/Brown era, the quangos represent Labour’s fifth column in government.

Once Tony Blair enter Number 10 in 1997; he set about removing people from boards and replacing them with his supporters, this proved to be a disastrous policy.

So was created the “new” establishment, secret, unelected and non transparent.

Another person who exemplifies the problem is Dame Suzi Leather, freelance consumer consultant who gets made chair of Exeter & District NHS Trust, then moves through the system to deputy chair of the Food Standards Agency, next she surfaces as chair of the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority, and then ends up as chair of the Charity Commission.

She is a Labour Party member.

In Scotland which until recently was a Labour Fiefdom the scale of the problem was and remains huge. There wasn’t even the pretence of fairness in the Scottish appointments.

The political bias in Scotland was so blatant, 2005 the Labour Party members outnumbered SNP members more than ten to one.

So Alex Salmond and David Cameron have the same problem, they need to remove the placemen and that will be a painful but necessary task which which neither man can ignore.

Although the Nolan Principles for Standards in Public Life exist, the bad people still get through because the system ensures that complaints against these people are buried or not acted on.

In the quango system someone always covers up for someone else.

David Cameron previously spoke of ‘broken Britain’, the only difference was he didn’t go far enough, the real problem are the people in power who are unaccountable and practice discrimination on a daily basis and get away with it.

Because of people like this; the BNP gains ground.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. There are George, as we have exchanged a few days ago, a slew of "fake" charities and pressure groups funded by our money via Central Government, maybe even Oxfam has become one, whose raison d'etre is to generate press releases to support positions and objectives that coincide with the Government's aims.

    Patronage and client charities / pressure groups abound at the beck and call of Ministers.

    Remember the prostrate professor aka unbiased "expert" who waded into, uninvited, the SNP on Megrahi's life expectancy?

  2. Dear Bugger Lugs

    Remember the boy well, Roger Kirby putting in his two cents worth.

    One objective to smear the Scottish Government.

    His opinion wasn't asked and with the help of a friendly newspaper it was published.

    The culture of corruption runs very deep in Britain.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
