Thursday, September 3, 2009

William Bain, Labour Candidate too scared to name DIAGEO on posters?

Dear All

We all love a laugh but there is little to laugh about these days.

It's doom and gloom 24/7.

However; I have come across a comedy website;

They say a picture paints a thousand words, well William Bain, Labour Candidate is delivering some absolute howlers.

Previously the good people of Glasgow North East and the rest of the world were treated to a picture of William Bain getting snapped doing a petition against knife crime.

If it was a video; I would expect him to shout out, "hello mum, it's me Willie"!

Such was his concern about crime that he took the time to "break frame", a technique in cinema and photography that lets the viewer know he knows they are watching him.

But William Bain wants to plunge into new depths so we now see him as a candidate supporting the workers who are threatened with plant closure in Port Dundas.

So what is funny?

His poster, you can see it says;

'Save, Port Dundas, join the campaign to save Glasgow jobs'!

No mention of DIAGEO, was this William Bain holding a stock poster? If his campaign fails then he can always keep his posters for the next one!

Very non committial on his part.

Did William Bain seriously think it was a good idea to make up posters without having the name of the company he was fighting against?

If someone walked by who would they know who he was fighting for and against?

You may remember much was made of an SNP leaflet that didn't have David Kerr's name on it.

Indeed on his website run by the Labour Party there is this quote;

"By contrast, Labour's Willie Bain appears on all Labour's by-election materials including letters, leaflets, surveys and emails".

What does this all add up to?

Well; I would say it adds up to the fact that William Bain, Labour Candidate is without substance.

There are no policies, no plans and no vision on his website for what he will do and what he will attempt to achieve for the people of Glasgow North East.

Hopefully, David Kerr will do the right thing and allow him to return back to London South Bank University.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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