Friday, September 18, 2009

Letter of support for the Madeleine Foundation

Dear Tony and Debbie

I would write back and say that you are seeking Legal Aid.

I would then remind Carter Ruck of the McLibel case; you are entitled to legal representation in a court of law.

I would also demand clarification of what specific statements the McCann’s object to.

If the McCann’s are going to go ahead then anything you do won’t have the slightest effect.

I think the McCann’s think they can bully people into silence.

I have had on my website, repeated visits from an IP address in Leicester, since I have been writing about McCann case.

If the McCann’s continue with this action, then perhaps you should file a complaint with the Leicester Police under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 against Gerald Patrick McCann and Kate McCann.

Then supply copies of your written complaint to the Press.

In my campaign to expose injustice at Glasgow University, I was sent threatening letters to my home by University Lawyers, Wilson and Dundas.

I wrote back in detail to every single point and where the third party evidence to back up my story was.

I also said I looked forward to seeing them in court as I had everything, documents, and the proof was irrefutable.

No court case.

I fully support your legal right under the Human Rights Act 1998 that you continue to exercise your right to free speech.

My advice to people who threaten me is ‘do it, don’t tell me about it, do it’.

You have my full support.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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