Saturday, September 19, 2009

Elish Angiolini, a national embarrassment

Dear All

On the 8th of September; I wrote a post about Elish Angiolini.

My premise is that she is a joke that the Scottish Government can do without.

10 days later, she helped me out by proving my point about her unsuitability to remain head of the Procurator Fiscal Service.

So what has she done now?

Opened her mouth in a built up area!

Elish Angiolini has condemned a fresh move by the Lockerbie bomber to protest his innocence.

So what is her role in this?

Absolutely nothing!

Megrahi has set up a website and upload documents to support his contention that he is innocent.

Hundreds of pages of documents relating to an appeal by Abdelbaset al-Megrahi against his conviction for the 1988 bombing have been put on a new website.

If the facts speak for themselves then surely she should have no problem with that.

Elish Angiolini highlights that Megrahi had abandoned his appeal before his release on compassionate grounds, which is true but let us remember he did so because he is dying.

Angiolini deplores Megrahi's actions and said a court was the only appropriate forum for determining guilt or innocence.

Perhaps she forgot about the House of Lords session cases.

She is also critical of Megrahi publishing his view of the evidence in the media to expose the flaws in the prosecution case.

In case it escape Angiolini attention; he has the legal right to do so under the Human Rights Act 1998.

Megrahi said;

"I will do everything in my power to persuade the public, and in particular the Scottish public, of my innocence."

So why should that upset Angiolini, well I would say that all roads lead to Rome or in this case back to her band of happy campers down the Fiscal Service.

She goes further by saying;

"Mr Megrahi was convicted unanimously by three senior judges following trial and his conviction was upheld unanimously by five judges, in an Appeal Court presided over by the Lord Justice General, Scotland's most senior judge”.

All true but there are numerous cases in Scottish legal history of innocent people getting locked up for crimes they didn’t commit.

I think the time is right for the SNP Scottish Government to put Ms. Angiolini out of her misery and show her the door.

That way she can continue her stand up comedy somewhere else.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. You like current events? Google this: "Holly Greig" and read what Elish Anglioni and her pedophile friends in government and other authorities are guilty of. It's a really sickening situation for a little girl and her mother who had to flee Aberdeen.
