Friday, September 11, 2009

Edinburgh Council kicks racist family out on their arse

Dear All

Every now and again a feel good story hits the press and uplifts everyone.

Sarah Hutton, 36, and her five children from Wardieburn have been thrown out of their council house for racial abuse and harassment.

What is good about that?

Well, these people got what they deserved after subjecting people to years of abuse.

It’s a pity that these people weren’t dealt with sooner, despite many chances to change their behaviour they stuck two fingers up to everyone.

Now, society has stuck two fingers up to them.

Unlucky for some, the family has moved into private accommodation in Edinburgh, the problem has been moved elsewhere.

The list of the Hutton’s behaviour included;

extensive vandalism including damaging cars

smashing public toilets

kicking open stair doors and breaking door-entry systems

throwing stones and bricks at people and houses

smashing windows and threats and general abuse to neighbours.

These people were in effect wee bastards who got what they deserved.

Such was the level of abuse that one family was even forced to move from the area after they were subjected to years of racial abuse, racist graffiti and assault.

So why didn’t the Police act and the courts dish out prison terms?

The council tried in vain to calm the situation down but the Hutton’s were having none of it.

Numerous warning letters went in the bin and organised joint visits from the council and the police didn’t improve the situation.

So, will the Hutton’s learn from this experience?

I doubt it; some people no matter what you do to help them still don’t give a damn about society.

The Hutton family’ illustrate how broken Britain has become; they have no future, they have no stake and they have no morals.

And these people are just the tip of a very large iceberg.

Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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