Thursday, September 10, 2009

David Kerr pledges his support to Diageo workers

Dear All

As I posted the SNP is disappointed that the Diageo management has decided to close the plants in Glasgow and Kilmarnock with the loss of 900 jobs.

The decision will badly affect both communities; in the Port Dundas area both Bob Doris and Glasgow North East Candidate David Kerr pledged their support.

This event shows why the Glasgow North East needs an effective MP to be speaking up for the people at Westminister. David Kerr will be able to articulate the needs of the community much more effectively than any other candidate.

It is by only voting SNP will the people receive the help they need.

When David Kerr is elected; he will open a public office so that people can get the representation that the Labour Party and Michael Martin deny them for so long.

It was a disgrace that Martin never opened an office and no member of the Springburn Party spoke out against this, including the Labour Candidate William Bain.

So, the Diageo fight has been lost but the fight to get people jobs, housing and opportunities continues by the SNP unabated.

In difficult times people look to politicians to stand shoulder to shoulder with them, so far it is only the SNP who have committed themselves to provide the services that people expect of their MP.

No one else has even hinted that they will do so.

The days of hiding your office in your house and claiming additional expenses are over.

For a new age; you need new people to take a lead.

David Kerr will provide that lead, moving forward with the people, not using them as a meal ticket!

David’s commitment is clear;

"I along with my MSP colleagues will be doing whatever I can to support those 200 staff and to work with the Government and Scottish Enterprise to ensure an economic future for Glasgow North East."

Lord Martin of Springburn and Port Dundas was missing in action again!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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