Tuesday, August 4, 2009

SNP RET pilot scheme for the Westren Isles proves just the ticket!

Dear All

An example of good governance is how policies brought forward help people in their day to day lives.

One of the policies of the SNP Government which has proved particularly helpful to the Western Isles, is called the Road Equivalent Traffic or RET which had increased tourism to the isles by making ferry services more affordable.

The subsidised fares experiment on ferries to the Western Isles has seen an increase in both vehicle and passenger numbers.

First Minister Alex Salmond said;

"The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring all remote and fragile communities have direct links to the greater Scottish economy. We launched the Road Equivalent Tariff (RET) pilot to consider the most effective and sustainable way to improve the affordability of service of ferries to our islands. Since the launch of the pilot last year, we have seen a significant increase in the number of visitors, family and friends and businesses visiting the Western Isles."

This is one success scheme which I hope will be extended as a norm across Scotland.

When the Government can help; they should help.

As well as ordinary people benefiting the Scottish Government is keen to hear from business users as well so they can fully evaluate the pilot in a proper manner.

Alex Salmond has stated;

“We have had substantive feedback already and we are particularly keen to hear more from the business community on what impact RET has had on their organisations. A survey will be available on the Scottish Government website from today and I would urge all business people to take the time and let us know their thoughts on RET”.

It is hoped that as many business and interested people take the time to respond on behalf of themselves and their communities.

What is especially pleasing is the effects that RET have on business with Andrew Morrison, manager of Harris Hotel in Tarbert, saying;

"With the introduction of the Road Equivalent Tariff we are experiencing a bumper year so far, especially in July, although our best month is usually August so we are yet to see how this will go."

This can only be seen as good news providing opportunities and stability to the island communities and offering them a viable long term future.

This is why the SNP have moved forward in Scotland as they bring home the message that they are a public service party committed to the people.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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