Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Iain Gray points the finger but his bogus complaint gets rejected

Dear All

One of the favourite tricks of the Scottish Labour Party is to repeatedly file complaints that First Minister Alex Salmond misled Parliament.

Since the Labour Party has no answers to SNP policies this is their only avenue of attack, to throw dirt and smear.

In order to get his profile raised Labour Leader Iain Gray in true fake outrage has a filed a complaint against Mr. Salmond.

Iain Gray is the ‘Mr. Invisible’ of the Scottish Parliament but unfortunately he isn’t one of the Fantastic Four but rather a fantastic bore!

The matter therefore led to an inquiry headed by former Presiding Officer Lord Steel into Iain Gray’s time wasting complaint.

The nub of the matter centred did Alex Salmond follow the ministerial code correctly in his dealings with Parliament regarding the fact that a killer had gone missing from an open jail near Dundee during an exchange at Holyrood last May.

Lord Steel after looking into the matter came to the conclusion that Alex Samond had followed protocol and had not breached the ministerial code.

He also stated that Mr Salmond was right to withhold the information until police made it public.

Having been in government the Labour Party must have known about the correct decisions with regard to Police operational matters so the complaint was nothing more than politics.

Alex Salmond said: "I am delighted with this outcome, which totally vindicates the position of the Scottish Government."

Of course we can all expect more of the same from the discredited Labour Party who are still bitter and twisted about losing the Holyrood election in 2007.

New Labour really are the nasty party and so squalid.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Campaign for Human Rights?
    Sorry, but when did a Campaign for Human Rights have the right to diss any politician for questioning what seemed to be a blatant obfuscation from a politician whose sole claim to fame is being charismatic, and with a fast gaining reputation for being liberal with reality.
    And somehow. someone has forgotten all the little tricks and disinformation that the SNP got up to when they were in opposition.
    As a member of Amnesty and a signatory of the original Charter 88, I can tell the writer of the original article that when you start to deride a politician for questioning possible misbehaviour then you are not a campaigner for anything, and I personally think that Alec Salmond can stand on his own two feet and Blaw his own bag with out your help

  2. Dear Ocheye

    Ever heard of free speech?

    I am exercising mine, hope that answers your question regarding rights.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
