Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Labour MSP, Jack McConnell missing in action!

Dear All

Jack McConnell is an unhappy bunny; he lost the Holyrood election, was forced to stand down as leader of the Labour MSP Group for Wendy Alexander and was fobbed off with a job in Malawi which he might never get if the Tories get in at Westminister.

Since the release of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi; he has been going about the place talking about Scotland’s shame.

But now the telly cameras are off him it is back to normal for McConnell, yesterday Parliament was recalled for a statement on the release of the Lockerbie Bomber but no McConnell.

After shouting the odds; he can’t be bothered to even turn up at Holyrood!

SNP MSP Christina McKelvie said that Mr McConnell’s “petty posturing” had been exposed.

Christina McKelvie should know that Jack is just treading water before he does a runner.

McConnell said on Sunday that it was "absolutely vital" that the Scottish Parliament took action.

Bizarre statement, what action; deny the right of the Scottish Justice Minister to do his job?

Ms. McKelvie stated;

“Jack McConnell’s outrageous comments over the weekend have backfired badly as more and more Scots show their support for Kenny MacAskill’s compassionate decision”.

Most Scots are fair-minded and I believe with the facts pointed out about the unfairness of the trial; they would question whether it was morally right to keep Megrahi in prison. Jack McConnell judged wrongly the mood of the nation in 2007 and now in 2009; he still gets it wrong.

If he isn’t interested in being an MSP; he should step down and let the voters choose someone else to represent them.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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