Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Labour Candidate, William Bain divorced from reality?

Dear All

I am nosey!

So, being a curious sort; I wandered over to the website of London Labour man, William Bain who is the Labour Candidate for Glasgow North East.

William Bain works in London as a law lecturer in London South Bank University.

Today, I see on his website that a proxy has been wittering on about the creation of 800 new jobs in finance by Tesco coming to Glasgow. Here is a flavour of the outpourings and my contribution combined. Willie Bain, Labour’s candidate in the Glasgow North East by-election said;

"Creating these jobs is a real boost for Glasgow”.

At least for 800 people but Mr. Bain should remember that these vacancies are open to people not living within Glasgow as well, so it is a little premature to rejoice about 800 jobs being located here and taken up by the residents.

Mr. Bain further added; "This is exactly the type of thing we need to do to tackle unemployment in the city and support the local economy.


Is that the Royal “we” because as far as I know he isn’t elected to anything!

So is William Bain proposing that the UK Labour Government sets up a Supermarket chain?

Where will the cash come from?

As well muttering away nonsense he then said;
"Although the UK government had to rescue Scotland's two largest banks, Glasgow is still a great place for companies from across the UK to create jobs”.

These Banks that were rescued were not owned by the Scottish people but rather by private investors who owned the shares and if it wasn’t for the incompetence of Gordon Brown and New Labour with regard to banking regulations we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place!

As his final parting shot;

"During these tough economic times, people was politicians to work together to help us through. This just shows what can be done when politicians work together."

“People was politicians”?

He been watching the Life of Brian?

Centurion: What's this, then? "Romanes eunt domus"? People called Romanes, they go, the house?
Brian: It says, "Romans go home. "
Centurion: No it doesn't ! What's the latin for "Roman"? Come on, come on!
Brian: Er, "Romanus" !
Centurion: Vocative plural of "Romanus" is?
Brian: Er, er, "Romani" !
Centurion: [Writes "Romani" over Brian's graffiti] "Eunt"? What is "eunt"? Conjugate the verb, "to go" !
Brian: Er, "Ire". Er, "eo", "is", "it", "imus", "itis", "eunt".
Centurion: So, "eunt" is...?
Brian: Third person plural present indicative, "they go". Centurion: But, "Romans, go home" is an order. So you must use...? [He twists Brian's ear]
Brian: Aaagh ! The imperative ! Centurion: Which is...? Brian: Aaaagh ! Er, er, "i" !
Centurion: How many Romans?
Brian: Aaaaagh ! Plural, plural, er, "ite" !
Centurion: [Writes "ite"] "Domus"? Nominative? "Go home" is motion towards, isn't it?
Brian: Dative ! [the Centurion holds a sword to his throat]
Brian: Aaagh ! Not the dative, not the dative ! Er, er, accusative, "Domum" ! Centurion: But "Domus" takes the locative, which is...? Brian: Er, "Domum" !
Centurion: [Writes "Domum"] Understand? Now, write it out a hundred times.
Brian: Yes sir. Thank you, sir. Hail Caesar, sir.
Centurion: Hail Caesar ! And if it's not done by sunrise, I'll cut your balls off.

I take it Willie Bain wouldn’t be applying for Tesco jobs on three counts, bad spelling, divorced from reality and doesn’t pay enough!

He appears to imply that the UK Government is responsible for bring the Tesco jobs here; it was Tesco, Mr Bain.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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