Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tory A lister Davena Rankin deselected?

Dear All

I heard a rumour last night otherwise known as gossip.

I heard that Tory Candidate, Davena Rankin has be deselected by a local tory party branch from fighting 'her' Glasgow Westminister seat.

It seems that Ms. Rankin's career is starting the long road backwards.

Of course this will upset David Cameron as she was on the A list of Tory Candidates.

The process to deselect her was done quite properly under the Tory Scottish rules so I understand.

I look at her and I see a Wendy Alexander clone, someone who wants to use voters as a stepping stone.

Although Ms. Rankin may tick a lot of boxes, the important one of 'giving a toss' looks to me to be completely blank.

I wonder why she got bumped and as Michael Howard famously said;

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?"

For the record; I am thinking arse!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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