Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jim Devine, Labour MP deselected

Dear All

Jim Devine, the Scottish MP has found out his fate; he has been deselected from standing as a Labour MP ever again.


Jim obviously couldn’t tell a convincing story to the New Labour ‘Star Chamber’ sitting in judgement on his arse.

Devine was always a smug git, now he faces the cold reality of being thrown on the scrapheap. The decision to kill off his political career was unanimous that means no one believed his story.

Jim Devine has said; "I'm absolutely devastated. I've been hung out to dry."

Try; you were caught bang to rights Jim!

Devine’s claims were the stuff of legend, paying cash and no proper receipts, God bless you Sir! He could be a market trader or second hand doughnut salesman selling kit out of the back of a van.

Devine had billed the taxpayer for £2157 for rewiring at his London flat and then it came to light the invoice was bogus. He alleged the guy might have “died” or “went up north”.

Or he could be living round the corner still using the same boozer to drink in!

Another ‘dodgy’ claim was submitted for shelving in his office £2326 for 66 m of the stuff. When reporters called to see it in his office it wasn’t there, gosh! It was claimed that the guy who ran the local boozer put up the shelves, gosh. The guy then said; he had nothing to do with it, gosh!

To be fair would you want to take the hit for Devine and find the Custom mob trawling through your accounts, friendship goes only so far but money’s money!

I wonder if Devine conducts all his household domestic business in public houses?

You walk in and can buy a pint, a pie and a fridge, pay the gas, electric and council tax while sitting on a stool watching Sky Football.

The Labour Party, the fiends then issued the following statement;

“After considering in detail the case of Jim Devine and speaking to him, the Labour Party's special NEC endorsements panel today unanimously recommended rescinding his endorsement as a Labour candidate. "He will not be able to stand as a Labour candidate in any constituency at the next General Election."

No thank you for his service, just cast aside like an old worn out jumper!

Finally, let us all hope that Inspector Knacker of the Yard can take some time off from playing dominos and launch an investigation.

Free Jim Devine, Free the Livingston One but let’s get him locked up first though!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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