Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tom Harris MP

Dear All

Tom Harris is MP for Glasgow South, in the European Elections the Scottish National Party won more of the popular vote in his area putting him in danger of losing his seat to an SNP Candidate.


Harris runs his own blog in which he censors dissent, a very New Labour trait. I suspect he is going for the ‘man of the people I am good guy kinda thing’.

But Harris is a complainer and a whinger; his blog states;

“This blog is funded and administered privately by Tom Harris MP - no taxpayers' money is used to pay for any part of this blog”.

Then we find he loves claiming expenses, taxpayers’ money, the boy loves it. £90 for a cot and £50 for a steriliser, the claim was made under the additional costs allowance (ACA) and rightly rejected.

The reason given, they were “not wholly, exclusively and necessarily” incurred in relation to parliamentary duties.

In true Glasgow Labour Party outrage; he wrote to the fees office to complain. He said: “I wish to object to your decision not to reimburse me for the costs of purchasing a baby’s cot and bottle steriliser for use in my London home”.

Well he would wouldn’t he!

“I can confirm that these expenses have been incurred 'wholly, exclusively and necessarily’ in relation to my parliamentary duties in that the only reason my wife and baby son visit me in London is because I live there half the week”.

If someone turned up at his place with a horse would Harris claim for the building of stables?

“And the only reason I live in London half the week is that I am a Member of Parliament”.

Funny I thought it was because he was paid a salary.

“MPs by necessity have to own two of almost everything — two sets of furniture, two TV sets, two DVD players, two electric shavers, etc”.

Lucky us he doesn’t own a Porsche.

“Since all of these were legitimately claimed from my ACA, perhaps you can explain why a cot for my son cannot be.”

His son wasn’t elected to Parliament; Harris went to University folks!

Mr Harris concluded: “If you insist on upholding this odd decision, perhaps you might be good enough to write to me explaining where my son should sleep next time he visits me in London?”

Easy answer, in the cot you bought him with your own money!

Yes, Tom; you can use your MP Salary to pay for the provision of your children, it isn’t a pocket money allowance solely for your benefit.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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