Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ian 'the deerhunter' Davidson, Labour MP can be forced to pay bills but only using taxpayers money!

Dear All

Ian the ‘deerhunter’ Davidson, Labour MP for Glasgow South West is very much a talkative soul as a class warrior.

Then the BBC got on the blower and wanted to talk to him about the fact he billed the Fees Office for failure to pay Council Tax, he wasn’t happy.

Davidson put the phone down on them, the BBC!

Widely regarded as a beacon for truth, justice and crap soaps!

The taxpayer God bless them now has stumped up twice for his mistakes, £65 and £55.

Why? What did we do wrong?

Davidson sits as a member of the Commons committee that oversees public spending, but can’t set up a debit to the Council.

How much scrutiny can he be doing on that Committee?

Does he go because they lay on a buffet?

Is there Champers?

I love a free buffet myself, can I come?

It seems that other companies have joined in the pursuit of payment of their bills by him such as Scottish Power, BT and the water board.

Mr. Davidson; all bills come with bar codes; you can walk into a post office anywhere and pay them.

If he can’t sort out is own life what kind of service can he be producing for the people of Pollok and Govan as part of his Glasgow South West seat?

Finally; Davidson is the Treasurer of the British Council All Party Parliamentary Group; I wonder if he pays their bills on time?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Came here via Freethinker. Great blog. Please keep up the good work.

  2. Dear 33_hertz

    Glad you like it.

    I am just starting out so am taking baby steps but I am a blogger.

    I want the blog to be serious as well as funny, hopefully I can do both.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
