Saturday, June 20, 2009

Eric Joyce, Labour MP needs voted out

Dear All

Eric Joyce is famous; he regularly is at the top of the class as one of the most expensive MPs in Scotland.

Go have a look at his Newsnight Scotland interview with Gordon Brewer; it is cringe television at its best.

What he was thinking going for this interview is a mystery as he comes across really badly.

Listen has he defends paying his mates!
His defence of buying three oil paintings is "they look quite nice".

Finally, if the voters of Falkirk have a look at this interview, it is more there is enough ammo to realise that they are in desperate need of getting a local person to represent them not someone who lived with his family in Croydon, London and visited.

Joyce is what I would describe as a carpetbagger and an apologist, how he got selected beggars belief.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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