Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Scottish independence, SNP race row councillor David Berry quits the party as Scots take notice they have been branded ‘black slaves’ by Nats, Quentin Tarantino to direct the movie and Denzel Washington to play George Laird, ‘Massah (Salmond) where’s my fucking rights’!

Dear All

There is an ugly side of nationalism or ‘Salmondism’ as I call it; sometimes it gets into the public domain.

High profile SNP councillor and self confessed ‘black man’ David Berry has quit the party after comparing Scotland's relationship with the UK to slavery.

He has decided to return to his ‘roots’.

Dave Berry was a former leader of East Lothian Council. 

As I say, and still maintain, there is a genuine lack of talent in the Scottish National Party, which is effectively run as a one man band under Salmond...... assisted by Joan McAlpine.

What is the future for David Berry, a ‘black man’ in Scotland?

Will he cope?

Who will be his new ‘massah’ now?

Was there the possibility of the ‘whip’ being withdrawn?

The race row Councillor responded to a tweet last week from the pro-UK Better Together campaign promoting leaflets quoting voters on why they believed Scotland should remain in the UK.

His tweets provoked an angry response.

He wrote:

"Do you have equivalent quotes from abused women saying why they don't need a divorce or slaves happy on the plantation?"

After the race row erupted; Mr. Berry withdrew his remarks and apologised.

There is an independence campaign on the go as we all know!

SNP leader Alex Salmond faced calls to dismiss him but unsurprisingly the SNP leader was silent on taking action.

It was fobbed off as no action required!

Probably Mr. Berry has a few quid, and is part of the clique; it seems that the SNP reserve discrimination to the working class elements of the party.

The party of fairness, equality and social justice is nothing of the sort for working class people, that is another indyfact.

An SNP spokesman said:

"This was a personal decision by Cllr Berry, he withdrew his comments last week and apologised, and the SNP regarded the matter as closed. We thank him for his contribution to the party and wish him well."

The race row tag that working class Scots are thought of as ‘black slaves’ will not be forgotten, perhaps Berry thought he was starring in his own Quentin Tarantino movie!   

A Scottish Labour spokesman said:

"The saga exposes the ugly side of nationalism."

The Campaign for Scottish Independence will continue, it’s a pity that Mr. Berry will not be able to be involved in that failed attempt, Salmond and Sturgeon standing on the grassy knoll, the few are becoming fewer, will the last ‘nationalist’ turn off the lights of Yes Scotland.

A reckoning is coming; Scots have a score to settle with the SNP’s ‘jolly fat man’, it’s time to ask the hard questions, one is how fast will Salmond step down and leave politics as the failure he is?

I am sure that Mr. Berry will pick himself up and carry on; perhaps he can be an unpaid ‘field hand’ at Yes Scotland! 

As much the Scottish National Party leadership tries to portray the image of being 'decent people', under Salmond and Sturgeon, they stink to high heaven, and no amount of whitewash can cover up that indyfact.

The SNP has much to learn about politics, maybe this Blazing Saddles clip will help.

Yours sincerely 

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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