Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lib Dem MSP Jamie Stone to stand down after three terms in Holyrood, like most back bench MSPs no one knows him, a reflection on the politcial system

Dear All

The next Holyrood election is a year away but already Lib Dem Jamie Stone, the MSP for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross has said he is standing down to pursue other interests. Jamie Stone served a stint as councillor for 13 years before being elected to the Scottish Parliament in 1999.

He said;

For now I want to take the opportunity to do something completely different."

Not another person who wants to chuck in the towel and be a lion tamer?

He added;"I have found my years of public service hugely rewarding and have made friendships that I am certain will last for many years to come. However there are some new challenges that I would like to tackle while I am in my mid-50s and fit and well."

The mind boggles.

On a return to politics she said;

"I do not rule out political work at some stage in the future. In standing down next May one thing remains, and I treasure it. To have been the first member for nearly 300 years to represent the far north in the Scottish Parliament has been the honour of my life."

So, he is out, Margaret Curran and Cathy Jamieson are out by who might be in?

Why I think it would be good if John Mason who served so well as the MP for Glasgow East was brought back into front line politics.

The question would be; where to find him a spot to stand?

One thing I would highlight about the three terms he served in the Scottish Parliament, I never heard of him until I read he was leaving.

I make this point because it seems that in all parties there is a reluctance to bring back bench MSP’s to the fore in any meaningful way.

Good luck Mr. Stone.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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