Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dramatic rise in Labour Party whingeing as Labour MSP Richard Baker complains that more Police are on the streets protecting the public

Dear All

We all love it when someone makes a right tit of themselves so we can stand back and laugh.

But Labour MSP Richard Baker is starting to take the biscuit, in the space of a short time he is turning whinging into an extension of his life.

SNP ministers bring forward 1,000 more police on the street.

Is he happy that numbers have increased?


His whingeing has made him such an embarrassment as Labour Justice Spokesman.

He cites spending cuts to cover his unhappiness but the reality is, anything that the SNP Government does draws a complaint.

Even if Labour agree!

The number of officers in March this year was 1,175 higher than when they came to power at Holyrood in 2007.

Kenny MacAskill said;

“The Scottish government pledged to deliver a more visible police presence in our communities which is why we committed ourselves to increasing the number of police officers by 1,000 by the end of this Parliament. We are continuing to deliver on that commitment with a record 17,409 police officers on Scotland’s streets, making our communities safer places to live and work. Sustaining that achievement demonstrates this government’s commitment to providing a well resourced police service.”

What must be seen as a bit rich coming from the Labour Party is they are complaining about the cuts that are coming; they are to blame for the financial mess and said they will cut harder and deeper than Thatcher if they got re-elected as the Westminster Government.

So, if Labour were in power at Holyrood, they would be cutting Police numbers but the reality is that the SNP in power have made good on their manifesto promise.

And Police numbers are increasing making communities safer.

What a clown.

Next week, another whinge same place.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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