Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Labour leadership hopeful Ed Balls 'forgets' he was a Tory at university but a Tory MP didn’t, Philip Hollobone outs Balls, he is toast now!

Dear All

Ed Balls is standing for the leadership of the Labour Party but what is not widely known is that while at Keble College, Oxford studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics; he was in fact a member of the university Conservative Association.

If you think about it, there is no real difference between the Tory and Labour Parties.

The only different for a candidate in England is whether the voters in a particular seat will vote you in.

Champagne socialist Balls managed to get himself a seat but it is in a marginal, last election the majority was 1,100.

In trying to get the Labour leadership, certain parts of his political life have been airbrushed out.

A recent interview designed to create an image tries to paint Balls as a standard bearer of the Labour left.

He also declared his undying passion for the party was inspired by a hatred of Margaret Thatcher's policies when he was at university.

So that is why he joined them!!!!

Balls said:

“I started studying [the economy] in 1983 when Thatcherism was at its peak - and I realised immediately that I wanted to show you could run an economy in a way which delivered social justice”.

None of these Labour clowns believe in social justice, the gap is at its widest for 50 years, the stretched it wider than the last Tory Government. His sentiment is really quite sickening and insulting to the intelligence.

But you have to say these things when trying to get elected and of course on occasion dance with old dears etc.

Unfortunately for Balls; he was outed Philip Hollobone, the Tory MP for Kettering, who was a member of the same Oxford Conservative Association between 1984-87.

No luck Balls.

Hollobone said:

“I was the secretary of the Conservative association and I can tell you without a doubt that Ed Balls, who no one knew back then, was a paid-up member”.

Hollobone added:

“He can't deny it though because it is clearly written in the records that Ed Balls was a member. I can remember his name.”

Ed Balls is currently not available for comment.

However, I will comment, his chances have gone right down the tubes.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. ALEX Salmond has said Scotland "didn't mind the economic side" to Margaret Thatcher...

    seems like others were more pro-tory as well
