Monday, December 7, 2009

The William Bain con by the Labour Party finally comes home to roost for the people of Springburn

Dear All

Do you remember that crap that Labour MP William Bain said about standing up for Glasgow?

Do you remember how 12,231 people were conned into voting for this loser?

Well the chickens are finally coming home to roost for the people in Springburn.

Bain’s pledge was to stick up for the people of Glasgow, he made such a song and dance about it, along with his; ‘I’m local’?

Check out his website and you will see that since 12th November 2009, there has been nothing posted on his website about what William Bain has done for the people and the area.

So don’t expect William Bain anytime soon doing anything for you or your family.

In the people of Springburn’s row with the GHA over rent increases; Labour MP William Bain like Michael Martin before isn’t there for the people.

He is gone!

The GHA according to tenants campaigning in Springburn is planning to bring in “extortionate” increases in rent.

This has prompted local people to collect 210 signatures on a petition calling on the association to think again.

The GHA says of its proposals that it wants to shake up its system for charging rent to make it “simpler, fairer and easier to understand”.

The problem it seems is what the GHA considers fair and less we forget this is an organisation which has a history of complaints against them from tenants to the regulator to the Scottish Government.

The GHA launched a consultation over its proposals and as of this date, no decision has yet been taken on any increases.

Half the tenants would see a rent rise and the other half would see a reduction.

Case studies are always important as they allow people to see how things pan out on the ground.

Springburn resident Sharon McMillan says the plan will leave too many people badly off.

She states;

“My current weekly rent is £48 and if the proposal goes ahead this will increase to £75 in 2011”.

This surely cannot be seen as fair or reasonable by the GHA, it would appear that the troubled GHA cannot function properly as it seems to lurch from crisis to crisis.

The people of Springburn could have chosen SNP Candidate David Kerr to fight on their behalf but after the dust settle they went with a bad candidate who will turn out to be a bad MP.

Now the residents have to go door to door to collect signatures because like before 12th November 2009, they still don’t have effective representation.

The GHA is a Labour Party creation, so don’t expect William Bain to fight for Glasgow, after all his website shows his record to date.


As an aside, checking '', Bain has spoken in 1 debate since being elected and not submitted any written questions.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Sorry but they got what they voted for! Lets see how he does or does not deal with this?

  2. Dear Dawdels

    Yes, the people got what they voted for but the SNP should have tried harder for them.

    I can't see Bain going against a Labour created quango especially when the cause is just and it involves helping the people.

    I feel sorry that the people were conned into voting for such a man as William Bain.

    Elected nearly a month and going on his own website hasn't campaigned on their behalf period.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. I agree with what you say and yes the SNP could have been more effective. Heres hoping they jump on this one!

  4. Dear Dawdels

    The SNP need to address the 'Central Scotland question'.

    I keep telling them but they don't listen to me.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
