Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Inept War leader Gordon Brown doesn't understand that the Muslims believe the Afghan war is jihad and one cannot go against the word of God

Dear All

The death of British service personnel in the unwinnable Afghan war has sadly topped 100 dead.

This sad milestone is an indictment of how adrift and deranged the UK Labour Government under Gordon Brown is, its money before British lives.

The Afghan war is now an economic war to protect the interests of big business and the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline.

Labour MP Paul Flynn says it straight;

“We are told we mustn't think too much about casualties - we must think about the propaganda, the lies, the posturing that we have been subjected for the last eight years”.

The UK Labour Government has been trying to use British soldiers to try and bolster a PR offensive on the home front as British people have abandoned their support for Labour aims.
Bungling Bob, the defence secretary has repeated the lie that the Afghanistan mission is vital to the UK's national security.

This is one lie no matter how many times repeated that doesn’t wash with the public.

No one disputes the bravery and sacrifice of the brave troops who have been shamelessly used as pawns.

Bungling Bob said;

"In Afghanistan there is a sense of very real progress in this mission that we are putting things where they need to be”.

This shows a complete misunderstanding of the problem by the inept defence secretary, taking of land isn’t the issue, the issue is the mindset that leads young Muslim men to take up arms and fight jihad.

This is not convention war and as such the problem is being moved around, the Afghans have time on their side.

As well as time, they are helped by the fact that the Afghan Government is corrupt to its core.

In a damning statement former Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Richard Dannatt said that Prime Minister Gordon Brown was now, "late in the day... beginning to get" the significance and importance of winning in Afghanistan”.

Brown may get that more troops are needed but he doesn’t understand war and he is no war leader.

The total number of UK troops in Afghanistan has now reached 237.

The weapon of choice is the improvised explosive device by the Taliban.

But more destructive than the IED is the belief that this is jihad (holy war) and the Afghans believe that one cannot go against the word of God.

The priority is to get the brave men and women of the British Forces back home and safe to their families.

I support withdrawal 100% to save British Forces lives.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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