Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The SNP Cabinet need encourage SNP PPC to increase their profile if they hope to win seats

Dear All

The SNP have had some bumpy moments of late in getting their message across to the public.

The recent fuss about education bares this out as having to try harder and be more inventive to get the right information out and SNP policies implemented by Councils.

However figures released by IPSOS/MORI show the SNP back in front for both the upcoming Westminster and Holyrood elections.

Despite attempts by Labour and the Tories to paint the Westminister election as a two horse race in Scotland, nothing could be further from the truth.

Scottish voters are rejecting the phoney war between Labour and the Tories because they know both these parties stand for the same thing.

They have even admitted as much.

The poll of 1009 Scots voters shows the SNP is at 34%, Labour at 32%, Tories on 15% and the Liberal Democrats on 12%.

So, the SNP are first on 34%, not good enough, the figure should be higher.

Being first on 34% is not good enough.

The SNP have to act like an opposition party with the drive and determination that won them more seats at Holyrood.

Chances are there will be a hung parliament which the SNP may hold the balance of power.

Glenrothes and Glasgow North East should be a wake call for the party, that isn’t driving home hard enough the message of the party.

The SNP is a public service party; it is that aspect which will win the hearts and minds of voters.

The SNP also has to address the problem of its prospective parliamentary candidates.

Some of whom has no or very little profile, it isn’t just the party that the SNP is selling on Election Day; it is the candidate, will he/she ‘do what it says on the tin’?

People want to know, what these people stand for, for when push comes to shove, they want to know they can turn to someone who is for them.

Can people have confidence in someone who effectively is a total stranger?

People are likely to vote more for people; they know, like and trust.

So, why are some people in the SNP standing in the shadows?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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